The game looks easy, that's why it sells.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Final Fantasy

Final Fantasy - This Lamb Sells Condos

Of course Owen Pallett had to dub his solo project Final Fantasy. He couldn't make it easy to find his music on YouTube between edits of the games to play up the epic romance of Tidus and Yuna - or of Rikku and Yuna, depending how your tastes roll - usually set to Utada Hikaru or Evanescence.

Owen Pallett, if you recognize the name but have no idea where from, is the man responsible for the strings of The Arcade Fire. He does that here, while singing. Apparently seeing him live, an honor I've yet to have bestowed upon mine head, is awesome. Just from videos I can see that. Great crowd interaction, and I love seeing artists record and loop live. It's just fun to watch.

And although the above song, and corresponding video are amazing, the song below is actually what got me listening more. He opens by saying, "Thanks for not asking if this is The Dream Of Win And Regine." That, and He Poos Clouds all have videos.

Final Fantasy - This Modern Love (Bloc Party cover)

STEFAN: Was it you who got me into Owen Pallett?

ME: You're welcome.

STEFAN: Yeah, that was awesome how you did that.

Also would like to add that this pleases me. A good deal of my favorites are on there.

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