The game looks easy, that's why it sells.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Things You Can Trust Me On

A friend of mine wants to pierce her nose. She's Indian with really nice skin and hair. Actually, she's pretty hot. And she'd look great with a piercing. She came to me about it, asking if she should.

MONDEEP: Should I get my nose pierced?

ME: Yes. Absolutely.

MONDEEP: You really think so?

ME: I do. But do not get it with a gun. Needle. NEEDLE.

MONDEEP: Needle? Doesn't that take longer?

ME: To pierce? Yes. To heal? No.

MONDEEP: But the increased piercing time means greater pain, doesn't it?

ME: No no no. Trust me. I've gotten four holes with a gun and three with a needle. Needle > Gun.

MONDEEP: Are you sure?

ME: There's more to piercing than just getting the metal into your flesh. I just got my lip pierced and it's healing beautifully. Guns don't hurt at the moment of piercing, but within five minutes it burns like a bitch. A needle hurts at piercing but after that you're pretty much done with pain.

MONDEEP: Really?

ME: The reason is that the gun forces a blunt object through your skin, tearing the flesh and making it jagged and horrible for healing. A needle slices clean through, which makes it very easy for your skin to heal. Ever wonder why a paper cut hurts more than a razor cut? Same theory.

MONDEEP: I didn't know that.

ME: Seven piercings. You can trust me here.

MONDEEP: I'll think about it.

It hurts me that she doesn't trust me. I've told her to get hot pink streaks and pierce her nose for years now, and she had to pull the dumb move of going to a company that doesn't support unnatural hair colors. Thank goodness my company is all right. Someone here has purple hair. The CEO himself chatted with me and has said nothing about the holes in my head. She's doon it rong.

And if you're curious: double piercings in each lobe (14 gauge fishhooks in the lower piercing), left ear helix, right ear conch, left lower lip. I think I'm set for now. I may eventually want a second ring in my left helix, just below the one I have currently, but I have a lot of metal. I'm good for the time being.

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